Cinnamon Cupcakes/ What I really think of Georgetown Cupcake/ I should really post on this blog more

I went to the famous Georgetown Cupcake the other day. It's right around the corner from where I work. But unfortunately (or fortunately) it's not much of a temptation for me.

It was disappointing.

They are lovely little cupcakes, and they don't taste so bad either. But at three bucks a pop, I lose a little self respect.

I am a baker! Every time I see someone walking down the street carrying one of those cute pink boxes from Georgetown Cupcake (which you also have to pay for, by the way), I can't help but think, "what a sucker". Needless to say I rushed right home and made my own.

Cinnamon cupcakes. A nice flavor for fall. They may not be so pretty or quite so good (I take that back, they were that good) but they are all mine. 


aunt choody said...

I hear you. They have "sprinkles" cupcakes here- same story. But yours are darling. And way cuter than any they sell there.

Sunshine said...

Your cupcakes are beautiful! I'm so proud of you!